197. The following are zero-rated supplies:(1) a supply of a freight transportation service in respect of the transportation of corporeal movable property from a place in Québec to a place outside Québec where the value of the consideration for the supply is $5 or more, without reference to tax paid or payable under Part IX of the Excise Tax Act (Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, chapter E-15);
(2) a supply made by a carrier of a freight transportation service in respect of the transportation of corporeal movable property from a place in Québec to another place in Québec, where(a) the shipper of the property provides the carrier with a declaration in prescribed form that the property is being shipped outside Québec and that the freight transportation service to be supplied by the carrier is part of a continuous outbound freight movement in respect of the property, except where the property is intended to be shipped to a place in Canada;
(b) the property is taken outside Québec and the service is part of a continuous outbound freight movement in respect of the property; and
(c) the value of the consideration for the supply is $5 or more, without reference to tax paid or payable under Part IX of the Excise Tax Act;
(3) (paragraph repealed);
(4) a supply of a freight transportation service in respect of the transportation of corporeal movable property from a place outside Canada to a place in Québec;
(5) a supply of a freight transportation service in respect of the transportation of corporeal movable property between two places outside Canada;
(5.1) a supply of a freight transportation service in respect of the transportation of corporeal movable property between two places outside Québec, and, for the purposes of this paragraph, a place outside Québec includes a place outside Canada;
(6) a supply of a freight transportation service from a place in Canada to a place in Québec that is part of a continuous freight movement from an origin outside Canada to a destination in Québec, where the supplier of the service maintains documentary evidence satisfactory to the Minister that the service is part of a continuous freight movement from an origin outside Canada to a destination in Québec;
(7) a supply of a freight transportation service made by a carrier of the property being transported to a second carrier of the property being transported, where the service is part of a continuous freight movement and the second carrier is neither the shipper nor the consignee of the property being transported; and
(8) a supply of a service of acting as a mandatary for a person not resident in Québec who is not registered under Division I of Chapter VIII at the time the supply is made, to the extent that the service is in respect of a supply to that person of a freight transportation service that is described in any of paragraphs 1 to 6;
(9) a supply by a licensee under paragraph a of subsection 1 of section 24 of the Customs Act (Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, chapter 1, 2nd Supplement) of a service of warehousing goods imported into Canada at a sufferance warehouse operated by the licensee, where the purpose of the service is to enable examination of the goods before their release, within the meaning of the said Act;
(10) a supply of a service of ferrying by watercraft passengers or property to or from a place outside Québec, where the principal purpose of the ferrying is to transport motor vehicles and passengers between parts of a road or highway system that are separated by a stretch of water.